I still remember couple years ago when I threw my first vote back in 2004, I had been promised for a hundred ringgit if choose the selected political party which is contesting in Kiulu (Name of the political party will be kept in secret). It seem that, this thing is happening again now. Over 100 people that I met also talking about this and most of them will choose the political party that give them money or buy their vote with money and a "too good too be true" promises. The political party are using money as their tools of persuading to get support from the people. Not all people are choosing money but 70 out of 100 people that I met were influenced by it in throwing their vote (own observation and research). This is not democracy but it is a political strategy to get support using money. If you want the money just take it but... please make sure that you did the right thing. For me, I will choose the political party that give development and can work with the people. What ever strategy and ways to gain support from the people, it is up to them as long as they do not effect the peace stability in Sabah. Some people say that, you should give a chance but for me if the political party can give good deed to the public, we should support it no matter what happen. Please don't do the so-called dirty politic and the public of Tuaran is watching you!!!!!. Fight with fair and equitable... no abusive words.
What will happen after GE 13? First thing to do is promises given by the candidate should be claimed. Whichever candidate win the seat should deliver their promise no matter what happen and remember that your words were being recorded and mark by the public!!!!. People will go against this political party and especially the candidate that being selected if they don't deliver what they had been promised!!. Roads, telecommunication, education and sources of income for the people should be improved if the so-called political party need life longing support. The most important thing is education for the young people because they were our generation hope for the future. The votes are priceless and RM100 is not fair enough for one vote. We votes for development not money. Money is easy to get if you work but if you sit all day long and waiting for the rice to fall from the sky, that nonsense.... My advice to the people in Tuaran, Tamparuli and Kiulu... please vote with your own heart and choose the right candidate that can bring development for us,
Valuable Opinion.
A friend told me that, the political party need a change, the changes must be done from the bottom line to upper line to restore back the glory of the party. One of the example is, PBS... need a drastic changes. The veteran assembly should rest and give way to other. Three term is enough... and let the young mind and fresh strategy do the remaining job. People still loves and support PBS but many of them switch to other party because of the leader. Change the leader and we will stay with PBS forever.....
"Development comes with peace and stability political condition" Harry George
"Which ever political party win after this General Election 2013, our relationship with our family, relatives and friends will remain as usual. Ties of brotherhood is important than everything" Deven Sinteh
Written By: Harry George
"Voting for development not for money"
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