I was really tremendously shocked while watching TV3 news yesterday about the so-called Bersih 3.0 held in Kuala Lumpur recently. From the news, several people were injured during the gathering. The gathering was out of control and the participant were turning to outrages where public property were destroy. When I read about Bersih 3.0 held at Kota Kinbalu there were no bad thing happen and we are really glad that Sabahan were more open minded compare with Peninsularian Citizen. They were merely stupid or idiots where they like to do things without looking at the effect cause. As an opinion, we can do nice thing to fight bad thing... To read more story about Bersih 3.0 held in Sabah, continue read below article from Daily Express Sabah Newspaper.
Sabah Police Commissioner Datuk Hamza Taib thanked the people of Sabah, especially those who took part in Saturday's Bersih 3.0, rally for adhering to the laws during their sit-in. "They have been co-operative and complied with the law throughout the sit-in which went without untoward incident unlike the ugly scene reported in Kuala Lumpur," he told a media conference at the Karamunsing Police Station here, Sunday.
He said prior to Bersih 3.0, its organisers had approached the police to raise their intentions of holding the peaceful rally at the Padang Merdeka which is under the jurisdiction of the City Hall. "We gave them an alternative option of holding the peaceful rally at the Putatan Stadium. "In fact, we even offered to facilitate the traffic flow in order for them to have the peaceful rally at the Putatan Stadium," he said.
"Instead, they decided to show up at the Safe City Programme organised by City Hall in collaboration with the law enforcement bodies at the Padang Merdeka on Saturday," he said, adding that more than 500 people took part in the Sabah Bersih 3.0.
He said Bersih 3.0 was also held in Tawau comprising 60 PAS members and 80 DAP members. But unlike in the Kota Kinabalu, the protestors only stayed at one venue. Hamza said that police would not stop any organiser from holding a peaceful rally but they have to strictly comply with the law under the Peaceful Assembly Act 2012, which was passed on April 23. "Among the regulations are to inform police 10 days in advance of their intention," he said.
On April 28, the protestors started gathering at the Chong Thien Vun Park next to the Kota Kinabalu High Court at about 1.30pm before proceeding to Padang Merdeka where the Safe City Programme was being held.
They were stopped by law enforcement personnel before they could reach the grandstand. However, they did not taunt or go against the law. Instead, the Bersih members obliged and many opted to stood by while others staged a sit-in protest close to the field. The protestors dispersed at about 4.30pm.
Harry George
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